(too old to reply)
2005-10-03 05:04:21 UTC
I was just wondering if anyone could post an example that they compressed
for revAdaptive that works. I keep trying a file, and am not sure what the
output should be. It would be helpful if someone could provide both the
infile and outfile after it is compressed. Thanks!

- Francine
Jamie Hargrove
2005-10-03 05:34:38 UTC
User-Agent: OSXnews .10/b
Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com utexas.class.cs337:387

Personally, I'm testing encode and decode together and seeing if I get
the same file back out for the most part.- Jamie
Post by seven
I was just wondering if anyone could post an example that they compressed
for revAdaptive that works. I keep trying a file, and am not sure what the
output should be. It would be helpful if someone could provide both the
infile and outfile after it is compressed. Thanks!
- Francine