Epsilon Closure of Start State
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Brennan Dutta
2005-04-11 02:40:08 UTC
In ndfatodfa, we are asked to set the start state of the DFA as the epsilon
closure of the start state of the ndfa. However, since the epsilon closure
can contain more than one element, how can we represent it as 1 integer in
the dfa definition?

2005-04-11 03:15:24 UTC
yes, the way this was written is misleading.

the interpretation should be as follows:
the new start state of the new machine, is the state corresponding to
the set of states existing in the powerset of the old states.

that is:
old machine states = [0,1,2]
old start state = [0]
new machine states = [[],[0],[1],[2],[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[1,2,3]]
epsilonClosure (old start state) = [0,1]
new start state = 4
since [0,1] is the '4th' element of the new machine's state list.