question about slideandincrement
(too old to reply)
2005-10-03 05:01:04 UTC
OH I just read something in an email that leads me to believe that these are
the values that we return!
Please correct me if I am wrong!
Why is there an if statement at the end of this method?
if (P is leaf)
p:= new parent of p
p:= formet parent of p
There is no looping in this method as far as I can tell other than a while
loop to do the sliding so...why does it matter what P becomes if we are
just going to leave the method right after that? or are you supposed to go
thru all of this sliding and incrementing until you can no do no more or
what? Im dumb.
2005-10-03 05:09:48 UTC
That is what I took it to mean, it returns it to update, and that is
where the looping magic happens.
Post by Brett
OH I just read something in an email that leads me to believe that these are
the values that we return!
Please correct me if I am wrong!