Interchange Functions
(too old to reply)
Luke Robison
2005-10-02 16:40:45 UTC
Anyone found a good use for the interchange functions
interchangeWithTrailer and interchangeWithLeader ?

It kind of concerns me that my implementation hasn't used them yet
Somik Behera
2005-10-02 21:48:24 UTC
I have used it in my update() method, just following the pseudo code in
vitter's paper.

Anyone found a good use for the interchange functions interchangeWithTrailer
and interchangeWithLeader ?
It kind of concerns me that my implementation hasn't used them yet
Son Le
2005-10-02 22:06:41 UTC
in update,you call this function first and only once. Tthen after is the
while loop.
Post by Somik Behera
I have used it in my update() method, just following the pseudo code in
vitter's paper.
Post by Luke Robison
Anyone found a good use for the interchange functions
interchangeWithTrailer and interchangeWithLeader ?
It kind of concerns me that my implementation hasn't used them yet