Slide and Increment
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Steven Klein
2005-10-03 03:16:45 UTC
In slideAndIncrement(), I'm using a while loop to move the current node up
ahead of the next block in treeData[]. My question is, will I need to worry
about switching any of these elements from WeightedNodes to WeightedLeafs,
or vice versa?

2005-10-03 03:31:59 UTC
I don't believe that you will ever need to worry about changing them. Once
a weightedNode, always a weightedNode.
Drake Dowsett
2005-10-03 03:26:42 UTC
Post by Steven Klein
In slideAndIncrement(), I'm using a while loop to move the current node up
ahead of the next block in treeData[]. My question is, will I need to worry
about switching any of these elements from WeightedNodes to WeightedLeafs,
or vice versa?
I don't think so, but after starting over (sigh) im not that far yet to
be sure. Consider Fig. 6 from the Vitter paper, all the nodes in the
slide remain leafs or nodes as they were.

