runtime errors in decoding RevAdaptive
(too old to reply)
2005-10-03 07:59:04 UTC
i've only had this with RevAdaptive, not OptAdaptive (which i've got
working fine) like in the other post. and also just in decompression.
i'm also lazy and want people to solve my problems for me. beh!

so it's here:

for ( i = 0 ; i < 0x100 ; i++ )
counts[i] = inFile.readBits(32);

and throws the same exception: java.io.EOFException.

what the hell? this starts before it even gets to my code.
Jamie Hargrove
2005-10-03 08:27:25 UTC
User-Agent: OSXnews .10/b
Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com utexas.class.cs337:402

Are you sure you are decoding a file you generated with RevAdaptive?
Cause that sounds like the file is really short to me... ie, the header
that should be there is longer than the file that exists is...-Jamie
Post by eruhk
i've only had this with RevAdaptive, not OptAdaptive (which i've got
working fine) like in the other post. and also just in decompression.
i'm also lazy and want people to solve my problems for me. beh!
for ( i = 0 ; i < 0x100 ; i++ )
counts[i] = inFile.readBits(32);
and throws the same exception: java.io.EOFException.
what the hell? this starts before it even gets to my code.